羊毛氈課程 Wool-felt Class
Please feel free to contact us for wool-felt classes details and fees.
- 上課地點: 觀塘區
- 所有課程的費用已包含每位參與者之材料費及羊毛氈工具組一套。
- 每位羊毛氈刺繡課程之參與者會獲發繡框或帆布袋一個。
- 每位參與者可付每小時額外港幣五十元同行費用,帶同一位同行者參加羊毛氈課程,唯該名同行者不會獲發任何材料或工具。
- 家庭班可選擇任何一樣我們的作品去製作,每位參與者都需要製作同樣的作品和尺寸,唯顏色和表情可不同。
- 家庭班及小組班之收費方式為每一堂開始前進行付款,例如:一家三口預約了需時每堂2小時、為期2堂的家庭班,第一堂開始前他們則須要付$520,而第二堂開始前須再次付$520。
- 家庭班可選擇上門授課,唯雖按上課地區收取額外費用。
- 小組班之12歲以下參與者需家長陪同方能進埸。
- 我們保留向參與者要求提供年齡證明的權利。
- 如與英文有歧異,一律以中文版本為準。
Class Information
- Classroom: Kwun Tong District
- All tuition fees include materials and a wool-felt starter kit for each participant.
- Each participant for wool-felt embroidery class are provided with an embroidery frame or a canvas bag.
- Participant may bring along with one campanion with an extra tuition fee of HK$50 per hour to participate in wool-felt class, but the companion will not be provided with any materials or tools in the class.
- Participants of Family Class may choose from our artworks, but each participant will have to craft the same artwork in same size, except its colours and appearance.
- Tuition fees of Family Class and Group Workshop are paid prior to the beginning of each class, e.g. a 3-member family apply for a 2 two-hour-sessions class; they will have to pay before the first session starts at the price of HK$520, and pay again HK$520 before the second session starts.
- Home-Teaching is available for Family Class. Extra tuition fees will be charged according to home district.
- Participant aged under 12 for Group Workshop class must be accompanied by an adult.
- We preserve the right to have our classes' participant to provide evidence of his/her age.
- Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.