購物流程 | Shopping
訂購我們的作品 | Our make to order artworks
查看詳細訂購流程 | View detail for make to order
- 從我們的羊毛氈作品中選擇您喜歡的作品
- 選擇您想要的顏色、表情或修改的地方(如有)
- 經由Email, Whatsapp 或 Facebook Messenger 向我們提交您的產品選擇、特別要求及收貨方式 (請查閱本頁下方之"收貨方式")
- 我們會在即日下午5時前或下一個工作天向您確認訂單
- 進行付款 (請查閱本頁下方之"付款方式")
- 當我們完成確認您的付款後會開始製作
- Choose from our artworks on our website
- Decide on colours, appearance or adjustment (if any)
- Submit your choices, required adjustments and preferred delivery method (please refer to "Delivery Methods" below) through email, whatsapp or Facebook Messenger
- A reply regarding your order will be sent before 5pm or next working day
- Proceed to payment (please refer to "Payment Methods" below)
- We will begin crafting once the payment is confirmed
訂製自定義的作品 | Custom make to order artwork
查看詳細訂製流程 | View detail for custom make to order
- 準備好您想要的設計圖樣照片 (提供多於一張及多角度的照片會讓成品近接近您的要求); 或 (2)
- 經由 [步驟3] 的聯絡方式,告訴我們您的要求,讓我們為您設計(須先收取港幣九十元費用,付款方法請查閱本頁下方)
- 經由Email, Whatsapp 或 Facebook Messenger 向我們提供您的設計圖照片或確認我們為您設計的圖樣、並提供收貨方式 (請查閱本頁下方之"收貨方式")
- 我們會在即日下午5時前或下一個工作天向您確認訂單
- 進行付款 (請查閱本頁下方之"付款方式")
- 當我們完成確認您的付款後會開始製作
- Prepare your own design and image(s) (providing us more than one and/or different perspectives of images will help to have the artwork closer to expectation); or (2)
- Tell us your preferrence through messaging media, refer to "Step 3",and let us create/sketch a design for you with a charge of HK$90 beforehand (please refer to "Payment Methods" below)
- Submit your image(s) of design and preferred delivery method (please refer to "Delivery Methods" below) through email, whatsapp or Facebook Messenger
- A reply regarding your order will be sent before 5pm or next working day
- Proceed to payment (please refer to "Payment Methods" below)
- We will begin crafting once the payment is confirmed
當作品製作完成後,我們會以照片 及/或 影片方式向您進行最後確認,您在作出最後確認前可提出兩次小修改。如需進行大修改或兩次以上的小修改,我們將收取額外費用,詳閱本頁下方之細則。
Crafting for make to order artwork takes around seven to fourteen days to complete upon confirmation of payment.
Photos or video of the artwork will be sent to customers upon completion of craft. Customers may request for adjustments on the artwork before confirmation. First two times of minor adjustments are free of charge. Please refer to important informations below for details on adjustment charges.
付款方式 Payment Methods
- 匯款 (恆生/中銀) | Bank Transfer (Hang Seng / Bank of China)
- Payme
- 轉數快| FPS
- 現金 | Cash
- 限款項港幣二百元以下之正面交收
- Limit to Meet-up delivery method with spending of below HK$200
收貨方式 Delivery Methods
- 正面交收 | Meet-up
- 港鐵觀塘線、港島線東區及將軍澳線沿站
- MTR Kwun Tong Line, Eastern District Island Line & TKO Line
- 郵寄 | Post
- 購物滿港幣一百五十元以上可免郵費
- Free postage with spending above HK$150
- 順豐 | SF Express
- 購物滿港幣七百元以上可免運費
- Free delivery with spending above HK$700
Please read our Product Catalog for pricing of our artworks. (15MB)
Contact Us
- 服務地區:香港
- 我們的網站中所有的羊毛氈作品均可訂製,歡迎向我們提供您想要的作品尺寸和特別要求 (如表情和顏色) 及查詢有關更改項目的價錢。
- 基於容器大小限制,羊毛氈作品中的 "精心別緻系列" 只有固定尺寸供客人選擇,但作品的羊毛顏色仍可自定義。
- 所有作品均為人手製作,作品完成時長約為七至十四天 (確認訂單後開始計算,不包括送件時長)。
- 如客人的訂單已開始製作,已付之款項恕不退還。
- 人手製作的作品都是獨一無二,因此成品會與照片有少許差異,在客人作出最後確認前,可進行最多兩次免費小修改。第三次或以後的小修改、或進行大修改,須先收取額外費用:
- 小修改(包含但不限於部位的位置或大小輕微改動)第三次開始,每次收取港幣二十元;
- 大修改(包含但不限於顏色或部位的任何大幅改動)第一次開始,每次收取港幣一百元。
- 如客人未能選擇面交取貨,我們仍會在成品寄出前以照片或影片方式向客人作出最後確認。
- 經客人確認後並接收的作品,恕不能再作出更改,還望見諒。
- 以現金付款並完成之交收恕不能作出更改或退換。
- 郵寄方式會有寄失之風險,恕寄失之產品不能提供補償。
- 如與英文有歧異,一律以中文版本為準。
Services and Important Informations
- Service Area: Hong Kong
- All of our artworks on our websites are available for ordering. Please feel free to tell us your preferences (colours and appearance, etc.) and sizes and to know more about pricing details.
- Due to the size limit of containers and bottles, sizes of "Lots of Loves Collection" is fixed to the ones listed in our website. Still, you can choose from different wool colours.
- As our artworks are hand-made, products are normally finished within 7 and 14 days after confirmation of payment for purchase.
- Refund is not available once the crafting process for the order has been started.
- Final outcome of artworks may have slight differences with the images of those on our website, since the artworks are handmade and, which making it unique. Customers may have two times of free minor adjustment prior to final confirmation. Each time of minor adjustment starting from third time and first time of major adjustment will require extra fee beforehand:
- Minor adjustment, includes but not limited to minor change on position or size of a section or component, at the third time and each time afterwards costs HK$20;
- Major adjustment, includes but not limited to any significant change on colour, section or component, at the first time and each time afterwards costs HK$100;
- If the customer did not choose to receive our goods in person for confirmation of artworks, images and/or videos would be sent to customer for final confirmation on artworks.
- Any changes on artworks are not available once the customer has made final confirmation on them.
- Any changes on or exchange/refund of artworks are not available upon payment with Cash.
- There are risks of lost by posting delivery; refund or compensation is not available if products are lost by post.
- Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.