關於我們 About Us
FTP - Felt the Present 由企鵝與胖雞的香港藝術伙伴創立於2020年。
FTP - Felt the Present 是羊毛氈產品製作的手作坊,服務示旨是讓客人打造出獨一無二的手工羊毛氈作品 —— 無論是紀念一個深刻的時刻,抑或是給親愛的友人設計出一份獨特禮物,羊毛氈作品都是一個十分合適的選擇。
FTP - Felt the Present 主要售賣製作羊毛氈作品的素材及相關製作工具,同時亦出售作品材料包、手作成品及接受顧客訂製服務;亦會提供製作羊毛氈公仔及作品的興趣小班及教學課程。
Felt the Present is founded in 2020 by PenPen&JiJi, artist partners from Hong Kong.
Felt the present is a small workshop for wool felt artworks. We aim to create unique presents which are meant for recording special moments. Our customers will find from us memorable and precious woolfelted arts which can be gifted to their loved one.
FTP - Felt the Present sells woolfelt related products including wools, tools and DIY kits. Moreover, we provide services like customised woolfelt artworks as well as woolfelt classes.